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  • Writer's pictureEdy Brooks

Thoughts on Covid-19

Updated: Apr 24, 2020

A number of people have asked why I am not getting a mask, wearing a mask, or other similar ideas. It is quite simple. I am not worried about contracting this man-made virus.

Luke 12:25-3125Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? 26Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? 27"Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.

Government insiders, sometimes referred to as the "deep state", have known about this for some time. The media has been "encouraged" to relay certain information on a daily basis to the general public. I do not base my decisions on these sound bites. I listen, jot down important details, read my Bible and ask God what to do and God tells me. It would be nice if what the media were saying made sense. One day the "virus" is air-borne; on another day , it is transmitted by contact with the "droplets" of a cough or sneeze or by hugging someone, and yet again another report will say that it can be transmitted up to six feet so we MUST practice "social distancing."

In my county of approximately a half-million people, there has been very little evidence that there is any reason to panic or take the precaution of using a mask. I can certainly understand the medical workers taking the precautions but I am a retired teacher and social worker. I live alone in my own two bedroom home. I am quite content to self-quarantine. I buy groceries monthly so I am not exposed to the general public as others are. I have no serious medical issues and would not be considered a "high-risk" except for my age. I am not under a doctor's care nor do I take any prescription medications. As noted, my county has not been hard hit -- only three serious cases that unfortunately resulted in the deaths of those seniors who also had pre-existing conditions. The couple hundred others all recovered or are on their way to recovery as of this blog.

As I write this, there is some indication that the restrictions may be lifted soon. I certainly hope so. I have been forced by a government mandate to restrict my exercise regimen and subsequently reduce my caloric intake so I do not gain back the one hundred pounds I lost over the last three years through diet and exercise alone -- no pills, no expensive "plans", no sacrificing foods I love. My social events have also been eliminated - except for church. Furthermore, I do NOT want anyone to read this as "whining" or "complaining." I am quite fine alone. I think it is a good thing that people have been put in a position to re-examine their priorities in life. I am thankful that this "pandemic" will end before hurricane season takes over the summer here in Florida. It would be somewhat more difficult to deal with excessive government mandates with no power, no Internet, and no water. Notice I said "somewhat" -- not impossible. I can function without all the "modern" conveniences.


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1 Comment

Apr 24, 2020

Nice blog! I will be following. ❤️

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