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  • Writer's pictureEdy Brooks

Hi Y'all --

Welcome to my new blog!!

I started this because sometimes I want to say more about a subject than an entry on social media provides. I was supported in this idea by several friends and relatives. So here I am.

Topics will include (but are not limited to) articles relating to baby Boomers like me, serious Bible commentary and side comments, bits of history, sociology, and language arts, bites to eat, and beads and thread. Occasionally, I will also comment on a medical issue. As I am starting this blog during the coronavirus quarantine, it may include my take on the restrictions, and/or considerations I think are overlooked.

By the way - I collect bees - ceramic, plastic, metal, whatever and from time to time I will include pictures of bees in a some of my blogs like the one from my desktop shown here.

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